Project 3.2 The Saturated Transistor

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Project 3.2 The Saturated Transistor

This is the support page for the Saturated Transistor project in Complete Electronics Self-Teaching Guide with Projects.

Parts List:

  • One multimeter set to ľA
  • One multimeter set to mA
  • One multimeter set to measure DC voltage
  • Resistors
    • One 10 kΩ resistor
    • One 510 ohm resistor
  • One 2N3904 transistor
  • One 1 MΩ potentiometer (Chose between potentiometers with lugs that you need to solder wires to, or potentiometers with pins that can be inserted directly into the breadboard.)
  • One breadboard
  • One terminal block
  • One battery snap connector
  • One 9 V battery (or a lab power supply)


Color Photos:

Project 3-2 Test setup