Project 11.1   The Full Wave Rectifier

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Project 11.1   The Full Wave Rectifier

This is the support page for the Full Wave Rectifier project in Complete Electronics Self-Teaching Guide with Projects.

Parts List:

The following list provides links to suppliers that sell components needed for this project. These links are intended to make finding the parts a little easier for those of you new to electronics. However most parts needed to build these projects can be obtained from various suppliers, you should chose the supplier best for you.

  • Six 1N4001 diodes.
  • Two 10 kΩ, 0.25-watt resistors.
  • One audio transformer with impedance of both the primary and secondary coil rated at 600 Ω (with equal impedance for the primary and secondary coils, the turns ratio will be 1:1), and a center-tapped secondary coil. You can use a transformer with a center tap on both the primary and secondary coil; just don’t connect a center tap that’s not called for in the schematic.
  • One function generator.
  • One oscilloscope.
  • Two breadboards



Project 11.1 Breadboarded Full Wave Rectifier (Circuit #1)


Project 11.1 Function generator and oscilloscope attached to circuit #1


Project 11.1 Input sine wave (upper) and pulsed DC output signal (lower) for circuit #1


Project 11.1 Adjusted oscilloscope controls for testing circuit #1 


Project 11.1 Breadboarded bridge rectifier (circuit #2)


Project 11.1 Function generator and oscilloscope attached to circuit #2


Project 11.1 Input sine wave (upper) and pulsed DC output signal (lower)


Project 11-1 Adjusted oscilloscope controls for testing circuit #2