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Other Websites With Collections of Electronic Projects or Circuits: 

If you want to browse through other collections of electronics projects here’s a list of interesting Web sites with circuits or projects. Some of these projects use higher voltages and currents than the projects in my book, only tackle projects that you have the knowledge and skills to work on safely.

The Discover Circuits website contains thousands of circuits and is run by Dave Johnson, an electronics engineer who views electronics as his hobby and passion. Check out his Circuits of the Week as well as his List of Electronic Schematic Categories that gives you access to over 23,000 schematics.

Bowden's Hobby Circuits website contains an interesting collection of circuits ranging from LED clocks to audio amplifiers.

The Electronics Lab website has over 300 projects divided into categories such as audio, models and model remote control, radio frequency circuits.

The Circuits for the Hobbyist website run by Tony van Roon has an interesting collection of circuits ranging from LED flashers to solar battery chargers.

FC's Electronics Circuits website run by Forrest Cook has a collection of circuits in areas ranging from solar power to music special affects, with an emphasis on useful applications. He also has a good collection of links to other electronics sites.

For amateur radio projects and circuits try the following websites:

The QRP SWL Homebuilder website contains articles ranging from how to build a short wave receiver to how to sit an electronics shop into a four foot space. Scan through the photos in their projects to get an idea how many amateur radio projects are built without conventional circuit boards.

The projects on the IK30IL website come with well written explanations of the circuit as well as clear schematics and photos of the finished projects.

The Australian Radio Projects website contains information on receivers, transmitters, test equipment and antennas.

For music special effects projects try the following websites:

The diystompboxes website schematic page.

The amzfx website’s schematic, projects and lab notebook pages

The Guitar Effects  website

The Music from Outer Space analog synthesizer website

The Cooperative Tube Guitar Amp Project website